How Deep Are Your Roots?

Trees can look exactly the same above the ground: same leaves, same branches, same height, same thickness of trunk, but one key difference determines the strength of the tree: it’s roots.

Roots are what hold the tree in place during a wind storm, what reach for water deep in the earth during a drought, and what seep up the nutrients the tree needs for life. When a tree doesn’t have roots, it dies.

The Bible says we need to plant our feet on the solid rock. It says we need to construct our house on a firm foundation. It says the plants that don’t have deep roots die when the thorns come up around them. If we don’t get our roots down deep, we won’t make it to the finish line.

How do you get deep roots? You read the Word, your pray, but most importantly, you keep your faith in Jesus. And then, when the storms come, blowing as hard as they can and your roots stand firm, your faith will increase. He brought you through once, and He’ll do it again!

Corresponding Sermon: Dennis Ward 1/24/21 AM

Amy Smalley



